Friday, March 16, 2007

Regards from UK/Ireland

Hey all! just wanted to say hi from across the pond -- got some internet time and wanted to let you know what you can look forward to:

- Review of the Horrors' full length album, Strange House (not released in US yet)
- Review of Patrick Wolf's full length album, The Magic Position (also not released in US yet, hopefully written by our own sweet Alisa)
- Review of Hadouken!'s live set (based on my missing the whole gig except their last song. Also, some crappy but colorful photos of the band by yours truly)
- Review of Lupen Crook's live set (+ band. Based on my being at a great Shoreditch gig courtesy of the wonderful Katie Camosey!)

Alright?! see you all in south bend soon enough =)

xx kelly

Oh, and also, I ran across this gig, looks to be good but coming up really soon!!!

MON19 (9:00pm; Free!)
Datarock (Norway) (Young Aspiring Professionals) // Berg Sans Nipple (France) (Bizarre K7Chocolate Ind.ProhibitedTeam Love) // LMNOP (Paribus) // Charlie Deets (Paribus)
Electronic duo DATAROCK make a rare stateside appearance, as a part of our 'free Monday' series. The group will be playing material from newly reissued longplayer Datarock Datarock, an album that, accordingly to Pitchfork, shoots for "instant pleasure and accidentally ends up being much more than that." Entertaining French electronic duo BERG SANS NIPPLE will also perform, making this an international affair. They have just released a new full length for the Team Love imprint. Locals and labelmates LMNOP and CHARLIE DEETS will open, playing second and first respectively.

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