Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Blow

When I was researching I Like Food, Food Tastes Good: In the Kitchen with Your Favorite Bands, I learned about this Pacific Northwest "duo." Consisting of Khaela Maricich, formerly of The Microphones, and Jona Bechtolt, The Blow craft delightful indie pop -- at times, airy, light, and instantly catchy, yet still thoughtful and earnest. However, leaving it as that doesn't give them enough credit. You should check out their Myspace and listen to "Parentheses" or "True Affection."

Basically, I've been listening to their 2006 full-length nonstop. It can get repetitive after a while, which means you should break it up with spurts of The Blood Brothers' Burn Piano Island, Burn.


kdog said...

what?! i reviewed this album for rotation -- and i didn't like it!
maybe i just don't 'get' the cutesy guy/girl lo-fi duos who aren't the White Stripes (ie mates of state, the blow, matt&kim...)

C-wod said...

you have no soul.

i mean, they can be fun. it's not like they're as good as thursday or anything...