Wednesday, March 21, 2007

P-fork Fest: Day One

To quote Eliot Spitzer's gubernatorial campaign, on day one, everything changes.

The above quote has nothing to do with this post. I just like Eliot Spitzer, because he cracks down on record labels for monopolizing the radio.

Two weeks ago, I posted some info on this summer's Pitchfork Music Festival. Since that time, Pitchfork has announced one of Friday's mystery acts: Sonic Youth. Along with ATP (All Tomorrow's Parties), P-fork will be presenting the seminal NYC group as they perform their 1988 album Daydream Nation in its entirety. In the coming weeks/months, Pitchfork will be naming two additional bands who will also be performing full albums on the festival's first day.

As long as the other two aren't The Mars Volta or The Fiery Furnaces w/Grandma Sarantos, we should be fine, right?

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