Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Love me like an animal

So Flameshovel records dropped by Legends one week after Friday the 13th. The seemingly unsurpassable amazingness of moving an entire record label on a flatbed was in fact surpassed by the Russian Circles (along with the Race and the Narrator [adding at wvfi this week]). Russian Circles lasso post-rock, space-hardcore, and metal-dronefucking together. They also had a great stage presence. The guitarist had a plethora of pedals (gear slut wet dream), sick skills (a la finger tapping), a tendency to loop (at one point there were five guitars going on at once), and this bad-ass stoic stance with a blond mane covering his face the entire show (it gave way to whirlwinds at some points). The bassist played his tool through a blowtorch, he was chiseled, lean, and large (thus personifying most of the bass lines), and jerked around mildly, wildly, or extra-wildly. The drummer was... good. He had a mean headband, and anyone who knew anything about music was probably looking at him most of the time. Dead on, inventive, and just plain awesome. The drunk, middle-aged, businessman who wandered into Legends next to me, put it best. "Saaay... Now THAT'S a gooooood drummer!"

I do have a soft-spot for noise/loud live shows, but c'mon.

Also, I love it when SDH has the 90s hit radio station on, and Lovefool is followed by Closer.

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